Pictures speak a thousand words, and what better way to convey your professionalism and value than with strategic images. These stock images have been procured from various outlets. Please use these only for your website, as certain copyright laws apply when using them outside of that purpose, such as paid advertisements.
featured stock images
Luxury Kitchen
A modern kitchen that goes well as a header image on a homepage and compliments the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury colors.
Home Sweet Home
This image as a homepage header gives a polished but warm feel to your site, making "home" top of mind.
Cozy Patio
This image gives a warm and casual feel; it's more in tune with nature and outdoor living space, making this a comfortable image to use when talking about testimonials or a call to action to contact you.
How to use these images
These stock images are intended for website or social media use only. There are copyright laws that prohibit you from using them in paid advertisements such as Boost ads.
additional photos
Living Room
This image is inviting and cozy, ideal use could be for a testimonials section or to pair with listing or buying presentations
Houston v Chicago
Ideal for the new Move Meter Page
Grand Entrance
A cozy traditional entrance that's inviting and warm